Ve středu 30. 11. 2022 žák naší školy vyprávěl o životě v Texasu, o systému vzdělávání a přístupu učitelů k žákům. Dan měl štěstí, že mohl studovat skoro rok na střední škole ve Spojených státech amerických. Oceňuji jeho ochotu podělit se na hodině anglického jazyka se svými zkušenostmi s 2. E2. Úspěch začíná ve škole. Je třeba mít ten správný cíl a věřit si.
Irina Zajícová
Zpětná vazba od žáků:
Vojtěch Spilka
The presentation was great, it was an amazing expirience to talk to someone who studied in US.
Matyáš Oudrán
I mean it was really helpful for us to learn something new about Texas.
Dominik Šebor
I dont want to study in Czechia anymore. It was great.
Matěj Taschner
It was really good and I learned lot about Texas and America in general.
Matyáš Jura
It was very good, i tought about exchange.
Adam Novák
For me, it was interesting that there is a lot of sport lessons in school. And it also can be very dangerous to go somewhere on the party if you dont want to be dead. So better stay here in Czech Republic 🙂
Maxmilián Soljak
It was perfect presentation. I really aprecciate that even when you was nervous you had the best speaking skills that i seen in a while. IT was also really interesting and i wish you the best. US high school is my big dream and i hope to get there before maturita.