Na hodinách technické angličtiny si žáci 2. E1 vytvořili projekty na různá IT témata. Všechny projekty byly skvělé.
Nejlepší projekt měl Filip, který porovnával výhody a nevýhody Applu a Androidu. Vyprávěl zajímavé věci ohledně Applu, se kterým má vlastní zkušenosti. Oko se raduje při pohledu na snaživost a kreativitu žáků.
Kluci, holky, jen tak dááál!
Irina Zajícová
vyučující TAJ
Andriy Karnaukhov 9. 2.
I think it was fun, and bringing. Especially the Kahoot part.
Anna Makova 9. 2.
I enjoyed doing my project, it was internesting. I learned a lot of information, while I was listnening other presentations. And I also learned a lot of new vocabulary.
Jan Fiala 9. 2.
It was very good, I learned a lot of new things. It was fun.
Tobiáš Chvátal 9. 2.
I think our project related to technologies was really fun. There were a lot of interesting topics and I enjoyed it a lot.
Ondřej Havelka 9. 2.
I like to draw so it was good for me, but i didnt know what to write there because there werent much information that would fit it, so the information founding was boring and long.
Tadeáš Borovička 9. 2.
I think that through presentations, students learn a lot and also acquire the ability to create nice presentations. My favourite part was applying English skills in Old Town Square, where we asked tourists questions about our presentations.